It is the dream of many parents to have their children shine on the big screen. Many try to do so by applying for a number of different opportunities on behalf of their children. Some lucky children are picked by the sharp eye of a director or a producer every once in a while. However, all of these children do have to stand the test, the audition. For an audition, first impression matters and parents usually go out of their way to dress their child in flashy over the top outfits, especially if it is a modeling audition, which simply does not work. So, what should the parents do? To help you out here are five ways to dress your children perfectly for a modeling audition.

Say no to logos

Many parents try to make their child cute by putting then in costume type outfits or outfits that have designer names on them. This is a big no, and often distracts the casting directors.  It’s best to have the casting directors focus on your child rather than what he or she is wearing and the first thing you need to do for that is to avoid all the logos.

Bright colors but not flashy ones

You want your child to look adorable. The best way to do that is to dress your child in happy and bright colors that make them look approachable and cheerful. However, this does not mean that you dress them in glittery outfits with sequins and lots of bling. You need to exercise control and keep the dress as minimalistic as possible to keep the casting director’s attention focused on your child.

Make sure your child is comfortable

Children are like open books. If they do not like an outfit, it will be evident on their face. You would not want your child to look uncomfortable while they are trying to present their clothes on a modeling audition. You need to remember that they will be in a room with 3-4 strangers, which can be scary. At this time, everything is amplified and if your child does not feel comfortable, he or she might not have the courage to model at all.

Natural is best

Some parents try to put makeup on little girls in order to make them more attractive. This does not work at all! Makeup is an adult thing and makes your child look older. After all, the child is being auditioned for a child model and children are known for natural beauty. Keep them as natural as possible. Yes, a little cream and some lip balm are necessary but that is all she needs to impress them!